Broadoak Primary School

Don't forget to check out a special video message from your Year 4 teachers!

Happy Friday!

Well, it's finally here... the final day of home learning. We would just like to say how proud we are of every single one of you for your continued hard work and resilience throughout the year. Although we've spent a lot of time apart, you have been the most amazing year group and we have had so many fantastic and memorable experiences together. We hope you have a wonderful Summer break and we can't wait for us all to be back together in September!

We would also like to say a huge good luck to our lovely Evelyn who will be moving to her new school in September. You have never failed to make us all smile with your kindness and performances (your Frozen renditions were always my favourite). We will certainly miss you but know that you will go and show them just how AMAZING you are!

Miss McNicoll, Mr Tinker and the rest of the Year 3 team xx

Daily Home Learning Page


Welcome to your Daily Learning Page! 

Here you will find lots of activities from Maths to English to Science to creative fun! This page has been designed to help you organise your day so that you can continue to learn and flourish!

Please note: The daily English, maths, topic and well-being activities will be removed each evening and replaced with the activities for the following day. We advise that you download the learning for each day.

Below is a typical timetable that can help you plan out your day:

5 a-day Maths

Please only complete ONE 5-a-day per day
(each day is labelled and there are 2 per page to save on printing).

Answers to all questions have also been provided.


Daily Maths Task

The Four Operations + - x ÷

Below are two workbooks to complete throughout the week. Practising the four operation methods consistently will support and prepare your child as they progress into Year 4. Please complete them at your own pace and as these booklets are lengthy they can be continued throughout the holidays.

See the videos below for the school's calculation policy for each of the four operations.


Suggested Weekly Overview

Monday and Tuesday* - Addition and Subtraction (uploaded below)

Wednesday and Thursday* - Multiplication and Division (uploaded below)

Friday - Arithmetic (uploaded Thursday at approximately 6pm)

*you may not finish the workbook in the 2 days so these can be completed throughout the holidays.


Showing 1-2 of 2

Addition and Subtraction Workbook

Showing 1-2 of 2

Multiplication and Division Workbook

Showing 1-2 of 2

Extra Challenges

Showing 1-4 of 4

5-a-day Grammar

Please only complete ONE 5-a-day per day
(each day is labelled and there are 2 per page to save on printing).

Answers to all questions have also been provided.

Below is a link to for some additional interactive grammar tasks.

Interactive Grammar

We would recommend focusing on:

  • Articles
  • Adjectives and adverbs
  • Sentence structure
  • Prepositions
  • Nouns
  • Contractions
  • Capitalisation and formatting
  • Pronouns
  • Verbs


Types of words

These can be used for revision and to support grammar 5-a-day questions.

Daily English Task


Today's task, is to complete a reading comprehension about plastic pollution. Answers to all questions are included.

The questions are differentiated as follows:

  • 1 star - mainly retrieval (easier)
  • 2 stars - average
  • 3 stars - challenge 

Reading For Pleasure

Some ideas of websites which can be used to find new and interesting things to read:

Don't forget to check out your favourite author's websites too. 

Topic Task

Below is an R.E. competition you may choose to complete as a home learning project. For this competition, you will need to produce a piece of artwork (a photo, poem, painting etc) and a write up explaining your piece of art.

You will need to send your entries in by 28th July 2020 as the competition ends on 31st July 2020, and you will need to send your work directly to the NATRE website (this information is shown on the document below). There is also a YouTube clip below to show you a range of entries from previous years.

We would love to see your entries too, so you can tweet us your artwork. Good luck everyone! :)  

Spelling Shed

Spelling Shed will be updated weekly with a list of words, this is as normal, please see the document below. Year 3 and 4 key word list will be accessible via Spelling Shed and a document is available on our class page.


Below you may download:

  • This week's spellings from Spelling Shed.
  • Fill in the missing word activity.

Times Tables Rock Stars

TTRS will automatically challenge the children on their timetables.

However in class we have been focusing on:

  • Consolidating and increasing our speed in our 2s, 5s and 10s.
  • Learning and developing our 4s, 8s and 3s.

Below you may download:

  • TTRS 3 minute challenge sheet for you to complete at home. Please only complete one per day.
  • Answers sheets.

This week we would like you to focus on the 4s.

Please note by the end of Year 3, children should be fluent in 2s, 5s, 10s (KS1) and 3s, 4s and 8s. 

If you would like an additional challenge, below are individual times tables and answers up to the 9s. Please download these for future use as these can be repeated as many times as you like.

Individual times tables

 8s - answers.pdfDownload
 8s - questions.pdfDownload
 9s - answers.pdfDownload
 9s - questions.pdfDownload
Showing 11-14 of 14

Health and Well Being

Please see Health and Well Being links below that the children can engage with to keep active and busy. Being active during this time will not only help to keep our bodies healthy but also help us to keep a positive mindset!

Broadoak Primary PE, Fitness and Well Being 

Joe Wicks' PE

Cosmic Yoga

Pick n Mix

Below are your Pick 'n' Mix activities for the week. Have fun completing them! 

Picture News



Are holidays important?

Since March 17th, people in the UK were only allowed to travel to other countries if the journey was essential. Anyone who returned to the UK was also required to self-isolate at home for 14 days. A new traffic light system, recently launched, means countries have been given a green, amber or red light depending on the number of coronavirus cases there, allowing people to potentially have a summer holiday this year. All passengers have to wear face coverings on planes and ferries

 Picture News Poster


Listen, think, share

Look at this week’s poster and talk about your experiences of holidays. Have you ever been on holiday? If you have, where did you go? If not, talk about where you might like to go, or any trips or visits you have particularly enjoyed. If you had to describe what you think a holiday is to someone, how might you describe it? Think about how our definitions about what a holiday is may be different depending on our own experiences.

Have you missed being able to travel or go to different places during the lockdown period? Think about some of the reasons that we think people choose to go on holiday. 

Some people much prefer spending spare time at home rather than going on holiday. Which do you prefer? Talk about your reasons.

Read through the information found on the assembly resource showing a timeline of the recent restrictions and changes.


Assembly Resource

Talk through the reasons why we have these changes and rules in current times.  Watch this week’s useful video below, which talks through some of the recent changes to travel. Are you pleased that people are able to travel more now?

Useful Video

Reflection For some, holidays can be a chance to escape from everyday pressures in our lives. For others, a rest from work and having the time to do things they enjoy is just the break they need. We are all different and have different ways to relax.


 For some, holidays can be a chance to escape from everyday pressures in our lives. For others, a rest from work and having the time to do things they enjoy is just the break they need. We are all different and have different ways to relax.  


Link to British Values

Share your thoughts and read the opinions of others on our discussion board:

Picture News 

Do you need to travel to have a holiday?

Listen, think, share 

Think about holiday destinations. What countries do you hear people often visit? What types of places e.g. the coast, mountains, campsites? Make a list. 

How do people get to the holiday destinations you listed? Discuss modes of transport they may use e.g. car, train, aeroplane, ferry, bus. Does where the holiday destination is, affect your travel choices e.g. if you were travelling abroad, would going in an aeroplane be better? Would it ever be possible to walk to a holiday destination? 

Why do you think people go on holiday? If you have been on holiday before, why did you go?  Look at resource 2, which shares more information about holidays and why we have them. Do we need to travel to go on holiday? Could one person’s definition of a holiday differ to another’s? 

 Resource 2

What would be your dream holiday? Where would you go? Would it involve travelling a long way or not? What activities would you do? Who would you go with? What would you need to pack?  Do you think everybody enjoys holidays? Why?


A holiday can mean different things to different people. Often it involves some travel as we enjoy a break away. However, this is not always the case and for some of us, the best holiday


Optional Activities


Picture News Weekly School Newspaper





Please leave a comment below on how you are doing or just to say hello!


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Comments (73)
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Miss McNicoll(a couple of years ago)

Hi Amelia, I miss you too but not long now until we are all back together! Hope you are enjoying this week's tasks x

Amelia Roebuck(a couple of years ago)

Hello hope you are ok.

Emily Hunt(a couple of years ago)

Hi Mr Tinker, the sound is working on the slides now using the laptop, thank you, Emily x

Amelia Roebuck(a couple of years ago)

Missing you all. From Amelia R

Amelia Roebuck(a couple of years ago)

Hello Hope everyone is doing ok. Love from Amelia R

Miss McNicoll(a couple of years ago)

Haha, well done Adam, Ruby and Amelia! :)

Amelia Roebuck(a couple of years ago)

Hi the answer to the joke is because he had nobody to go with. From Amelia xxx

Ruby Heaton(a couple of years ago)

the skeleton did not go to the party because he had no body to go with!!!

Adam M(a couple of years ago)

Answer to the it because he didn’t have any BODY to go with

Mr Tinker(a couple of years ago)

Excellent time Finley, well done!

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Staying Safe Online

During school closures, children might be spending more time online and on devices. To help support you and your child during this time, we have put together some useful resources to educate them about how to stay safe whilst using the internet. We teach our children the SMART rules at Broadoak Primary so you may also wish to discuss these with your child:

S - Keep SAFE

Don't give out your personal information when you are online.

This includes your name, email address, phone number and passwords.

M - Don’t MEET up

Never meet up with someone you only know online, this can be dangerous.

People you have been talking to online are still strangers, even if you have been talking to them for a long time.

A - ACCEPTING emails, files, pictures or messages can be dangerous

Don't accept emails, messages, or open files, pictures or texts from people you don't know. 


Not all people are reliable, they might not be who they say they are.

Always check information with someone who knows, books or other websites.

T - TELL Someone

Always tell a parent, carer, friend or trusted adult if you feel uncomfortable or worried.