Broadoak Primary School

Broadoak Early Years' Induction Information


To support our children with their transition to either Nursery or Reception, please view our information and videos by following the link below.

General Admission Details

We are delighted to be offering full time Nursery places.

Parents can find all admissions information and also apply online at: If your child is due to join Nursery or move into Reception, applications must be received by 15th January and you will be notified of a place on 16th April of the year of admission. 
Who do I contact for more information?

If you have any further queries or require additional information, please contact the Admissions and Exclusions Team on 0161 778 0415. This is applicable for Nursery places, Reception places and also In-Year transfers.

Admissions and Exclusions Team

Children's Services
2nd Floor
Unity House
Salford Civic Centre
Chorley Road
M27 5AW to request an Application Form

As far as possible, schools will try to meet parental preferences for schools but it is not always possible to do so. Places in Broadoak are limited by the physical space in the school.  Broadoak has an admission number of 60 pupils per year group, which is based on the size of the school.  If the number of pupils requiring places exceeds the admission number then not everybody will be successful in obtaining a place there. When this occurs, we are said to be oversubscribed. For details of the number of applications made to the school last year please visit the admissions website using the link below and look at the primary admissions booklet:

If Broadoak is oversubscribed, the places will be allocated according to the following admission criteria:

Admissions Criteria 

  • Looked after children and previously looked after children
  • Children in need
  • Older brother or sister
  • Children living nearest to the school

No child can automatically transfer from Nursery to a Reception class. Where a school has more applications than places available in the Reception class, they must be allocated using the published admission criteria. Children who have attended the Nursery will be considered on the same basis as those who have not.

If your application is not successful, you can follow the appeals process on the Salford admissions website. This has details of necessary timescales. Please use the link below:

Class Arrangements: How Children Are Admitted 


Up to 60 places are available. Children can be admitted to the Nursery when they are 3 years old provided, they reach this age before 31 August in the year they are admitted.

Separate applications must be made for both Nursery and Reception.

Main School

Applications for a place in the school are made directly to the LA. There are up to 60 places in each year group, usually two mixed ability classes of 30.  When children are 4 years old (again by 31 August in the year of admission) they can be admitted or transferred to the Reception classes.  Usually, children transfer through the age groups until they are 11, when they normally move to a local secondary school. Children from Broadoak have been successful in gaining places at Moorside High, Ambrose Barlow, St Patricks RC, Canon Slade, Bolton School, Manchester, Urmston and Bury Grammar Schools. There are two classes in each age group. These class arrangements continue right through school. 

Making Arrangements for A School Place 

Children can be admitted to Broadoak Primary School at any appropriate age, and we are always pleased to meet new parents in person and show them around. Please telephone the school to make the arrangements, or write or call in.  You will always be welcomed. We hold open days for admissions to Nursery and Reception and encourage you to attend.  All admissions are coordinated through the Local Authority. 

Equality Statement 

At Broadoak Primary School, we believe that equality should permeate all aspects of school life and is the responsibility of every member of the school and wider community. Every member of the school community should feel safe, secure, valued and of equal worth as defined within the Equality Act (2010) which includes age*, sex, race, disability, religion or belief, sexual orientation, pregnancy, undergoing or who have undergone gender reassignment. (NB ‘age’ is a protected characteristic but not in relation to pupils of any age in a school)

Pupils with Disabilities

The admission of pupils with disabilities is considered in the first instance in the same way as non-disabled pupils.  Further considerations are made in the light of need and accessibility.  It is the Governors' Policy to accommodate pupils with disabilities should parents wish.  Steps are taken to prevent any pupils being treated less favourably than other pupils.  In practice we seek to ensure that classroom activities encourage the participation of all pupils, including those categorised as having Special Educational Needs.  Staff organise human and physical resources within the school to increase access to learning and participation by all pupils.


 For further details of our equality scheme and objectives, which includes our accessibility plan, please follow the links below.


Broadoak Equality Policy

Broadoak Equality Objectives

Accessibility Plan

To view the full Admissions Arrangements please click on the link below:

Broadoak Determined Admissions Arrangement - 2024 / 2025

Please note: The new School Admissions Code (2021) requires that all schools give priority to looked after children, previously looked after children, and internationally adopted previously looked after children. Admission authorities have be asked to update their admission policies to reflect this statutory change for 2022 intake.