Broadoak Primary School

Positive Playtimes


At Broadoak Primary School, we are committed to ensuring that all children experience positive playtimes that are happy, creative and stimulating and where all children demonstrate care and respect for one another. 


Playground Rules

We always:

  • Use kind words, kind hands and kind actions
  • Listen to the adults on the playground
  • Respect our referees
  • Respect our quiet zones
  • Solve problems calmly
  • Play together and look after each other
  • Let other children get on with their own games
  • Sort out problems in a fair way
  • Look after equipment
  • Stand still when the first whistle blows and walk to lines on the second 

We never:

  • Harm each other (physically or with words)
  • Leave anybody out
  • Use bad language
  • Insult a classmate
  • Answer back