Broadoak Primary School

Communication at Broadoak

At Broadoak, we actively seek to ensure that effective communication happens at all times.  We use a variety of methods to communicate with parents and the wider community.  

Latest Newsletters

Weekly newsletters are emailed directly to each child's first contact.  Below, you can view the most recent newsletters:

Additional family members can also receive newsletters by registering for the APP below:

Newsletter Subscription

Subscribe to our newsletter and keep up with the latest news and events.

School Twitter/X Account

Our School Twitter Feed is used both to provide friendly reminders for parents and as a tool to celebrate events / happenings in schools.


Broadoak PS

Class Twitter/X Feeds

At Broadoak, we use our class twitter feeds as a 'window' into our learning.  The platform is used to share our learning, celebrate class and individual achievements and as a method of communication to  support our school community.