Broadoak Primary School


Religious Education at Broadoak


Our Aims

Religious educations should help pupils to:

  • Acquire and develop knowledge and understanding of Christianity and the other principal religions represented in Great Britain.
  • Appreciate the way that beliefs shape life and conduct.
  • Develop the ability to make reasoned and informed judgements about religious and moral issues.
  • Enhance their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development by 
      • Developing an awareness of the fundamental questions of life asked by human experiences, and of how religious teachings can relate to them.
      • Responding to such questions with reference to the teachings and practices of religions, and to their own understanding and experience.
      • Reflecting on their own beliefs, values and experiences in the light of their study
      • Develop respect for other people, their right to hold different beliefs, in a society of diverse beliefs.


The Teaching of RE

 Attainment Target 1: Learning about Religions

  • Develop a coherent picture of each religion by identifying, naming and describing its important features.
  • Explain the meaning of religious language, story and symbolism
  • Explain similarities and differences between, and within, religions 

Attainment Target 2: Learning from Religion

  • Give an informed and considered response to religious and moral issues
  • Reflect on what might be learnt from religions in the light of one’s own beliefs and experience
  • Identify and respond to questions of meaning within religions.

(Taken from Salford’s agreed Syllabus)




RE in Early Years

We teach RE in Nursery and Reception as an integral part of the topic work covered during the year.  Throughout the Foundation Stage, the children’s work is planned through the objectives set out in the Early Learning Goals (ELGs) which underpin the curriculum planning for children aged three to five. RE makes significant contribution to the ELG objectives of developing a child’s knowledge and understanding of the world through activities such celebration of festivals by dressing up in special clothing, trying different cultural foods, learning stories from the different religions (outlined in the Salford agreed syllabus) and replicating relevant objects such as Diva lights at Divali.

RE in Key Stage One







Year One

Belonging Myself

What groups do I belong to?

The birth of Jesus


The life of Jesus as a child.

The Easter story and the symbol of the cross.

Christian Parables

Year Two

Harvest and being thankful


Key people (Gods)

Key festivals


Belonging in Christianity including special places of worship


RE in Key Stage Two



Year Three

Comparisons and Practices in family life in Judaism and Islam

Islamic festivals

Ramadan, Eid, Hajj and pilgrimage

Beliefs through the old and new testament. Why do Christians hold beliefs?

Year Four

What is a festival of light?




Practices within Sikhism and the 5K’s


Abraham and Moses

The 10 commandments

Shabbat, Hannuka and Pesach

Year Five

Symbolism and inspirational Christians

Islam the life of Muhammad

Jewish festivals and worship

Jewish Synagogue

Shavout – Jewish giving of the torch

Year Six

Inspirational people in religion

Marin Luther King




The 10 commandments – love thy  neighbour and forgiveness

What are the beliefs and teachings of  Hinduism.