Broadoak Primary School

Art at Broadoak


Our Aims

At Broadoak Primary School we ensure that the children are able to experience the four key principles of all good art education: 1. develop original creative ideas; 2. realise these ideas in some tangible form, developing skills as they do so; 3. understand, recognise and appreciate the qualities of creative works, improving their own work in the process and 4. know about the world of the visual arts placing their work in this wider context.

We aim to provide lessons that incorporate  'investigating and making' ,includes 'exploring and developing ideas' and 'evaluating and developing work'. We encourage pupils to record their findings, develop their ideas and demonstrate their skills and general progress through the use of personal sketch books which accompanies them through the school, starting in Year 1. We provide experiences which allow them to use a variety of materials such as; pastels, paints, pencils, chalks and processes such as painting, collage, print making, digital media, textiles and sculpture. In addition, we teach the pupils about: colour, pattern and texture, line and tone, shape, form and space, and how these elements can be combined and organised for different purposes.  To develop their skills, we teach the pupils about sketching: still life, portraits and landscapes with a specific focus on proportion and perspective. As the pupils progress, we provide challenging tasks which enable them to demonstrate their ability and development.  


The Teaching of Art

From Foundation to Year 6, we encourage pupils to compare ideas, methods and approaches in their own and others' work and say what they think and feel about them. We provide opportunities for children to adapt their work according to their views and describe how they might develop it further.

In addition, pupils are encouraged to research, examine and discuss the style and focus of famous artists, interesting sketches, paintings, patterns and designs and to produce their own creations reproducing specific techniques.  To motivate and inspire, we take pupils to galleries where they can experience a range of modern and traditional art including beautifully designed portraits and landscapes which can open your mind, not to mention your heart. 



Art, craft and design embody some of the highest forms of human creativity. A high-quality art and design education should engage, inspire and challenge pupils, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to experiment, invent and create their own works of art, craft and design.” (National Curriculum)


Art in Early Years

In Nursery children explore the skills of art through drawing, painting, printing, collage, mixed media and model making.  The children are encouraged to self initiate activities and respond to their experiences.  Key skills are modelled by the staff and focused tasks are undertaken linked to topics.

In Reception children’s drawing skills are further developed and children are encouraged to experiment with colour mixing.  Through the challenge curriculum, the children focus on adding detail to enhance their work.  Focused tasks are used to further develop key skills.

Art in Key Stage One

In KS1 the children are given opportunities to develop creative and imaginative ideas, use open ended exploration of a range of materials and techniques and learn about the world of art, craft and design. The children use drawing, painting and sculpture to develop and share their experiences. They learn about a wide range of art and design techniques in using colour, pattern, texture, line, shape, form and space. During the project, they are encouraged to offer an opinion on the work of chosen designers and artists linked to their theme and at the end, evaluate their final 

Art in Key Stage Two

In KS2 ‘technical skills’, ‘getting it right’ and ‘mastery’ come to the fore. Children are taught higher level skills, given a varied choice of materials and tools so that they can make personal choices, completing tasks with increased confidence and independence. They use sketchbooks for collecting ideas and developing research. It is used as a scrapbook, journal and notebook as well as a book in which observational drawings are made. In KS2 children are taught key skills using a variety of medium and then complete a final piece emulating the style, mood and focus of a specific artist, architect or designer. Their final evaluation enables them to improve their own work whilst comparing to the original criteria for success.