Broadoak Primary School

Please note, due to COVID-19, assessment data is not available for 2019/2020 or 2020/2021

Attainment Results 2022/2023

Early Years Foundation Stage Profile Results - 2022/2023



% achieving Good Level of Development

School 80%
National 67%

Phonics Screener Results - 2022/2023

Year 1

% achieving expected standard

Year 2 

% achieving expected standard

School 90% 79%
National 93% 88%

Key Stage One Results 2022/2023

Reading: Broadoak National
Working at Expected Standard 80% 69%
Working at Greater Depth 44% 19%
Writing: Broadoak National
Working at Expected Standard 74% 60%
Working at Greater Depth 15% 8%
Mathematics: Broadoak National
Working at Expected Standard 85% 71%
Working at Greater Depth 39% 16%
Reading, Writing and Mathematics Broadoak National
Working at Expected Standard 74% 56%
Working at Greater Depth 11% 6%

Key Stage Two Results - 2022/2023


Reading: Broadoak  National
Working at Expected Standard 89% 73%
High Score Achieved 56% 29%
Average Scaled Score 110 TBC
Progress +1.0 (*) /
Writing: Broadoak National
Working at Expected Standard 82% 71%
High Score Achieved 18% 13%
Average Scaled Score / /

-1.3 (*)

Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling Broadoak National
Working at Expected Standard 89% 72%
High Score Achieved 51% 30%
Average Scaled Score 110 TBC
Progress / /
Mathematics: Broadoak National
Working at Expected Standard 95% 73%
High Score Achieved 46% 24%
Average Scaled Score 110 TBC
Progress +2.1 (*) /
Reading, Writing and Mathematics: Broadoak National
Working at Expected Standard 79% 59%
High Score Achieved 18% 8%
Average Scaled Score / /
Progress +2.1 (*) /

(*) School have submitted a request for adjustment of KS1 scores for 3 children at KS1 - outcome will impact positively on progress in all three areas.

Attainment Results 2021/2022

Early Years Foundation Stage Profile Results - 2021/2022


% achieving Good Level of Development

School 83%
National 65%


Phonics Screener Results - 2021/2022


Year 1

% achieving expected standard

Year 2 

% achieving expected standard

School 92% 98%
National 76% 86%

Key Stage One Results 2021/2022


Reading: Broadoak National
Working at Expected Standard 90% 68%
Working at Greater Depth 40% 18%
Writing: Broadoak National
Working at Expected Standard 87% 58%
Working at Greater Depth 25% 8%
Mathematics: Broadoak National
Working at Expected Standard 93% 68%
Working at Greater Depth 38% 15%
Reading, Writing and Mathematics: Broadoak National
Working at Expected Standard 87% 54%
Working at Greater Depth 22% 6%

Key Stage Two Results - 2021/2022

Reading: Broadoak National
Working at Expected Standard 95% 74%
High Score Achieved 52% 27%
Average Scaled Score 110 105
Progress +3.2


Writing: Broadoak National
Working at Expected Standard 89% 69%
High Score Achieved 14% 10%
Average Scaled Score / /
Progress /


Mathematics: Broadoak National
Working at Expected Standard 96% 71%
High Score Achieved 48% 21%
Average Scaled Score 110 104
Progress +3.9


Reading, Writing and Mathematics: Broadoak National
Working at Expected Standard 86% 59%
High Score Achieved 11% 6%
Average Scaled Score / /
Progress / /

Attainment Results 2018/2019

Early Years Foundation Stage Profile Results - 2018/2019


% achieving Good Level of Development

School 78%
National 72%

Phonics Screener Results - 2018/2019

Year 1

% achieving expected standard

Year 2 

% achieving expected standard

School 93% 82%
National 95% 91%

Key Stage One Results 2018/2019

Reading: Broadoak National
Working at Expected Standard 89% 75%
Working at Greater Depth 44% 25%


Writing: Broadoak National
Working at Expected Standard 79% 69%
Working at Greater Depth 30% 15%


Mathematics: Broadoak National
Working at Expected Standard 85% 76%
Working at Greater Depth 46% 22%


Reading, Writing and Mathematics Broadoak National
Working at Expected Standard 77% 65%
Working at Greater Depth 28% 11%

Key Stage Two Results - 2018/2019


Reading: Broadoak National
Working at Expected Standard 98% 73%
High Score Achieved 53% 27%
Average Scaled Score 111 104
Progress +4.1 +0.03


Writing: Broadoak National
Working at Expected Standard 95% 78%
High Score Achieved 35% 20%
Average Scaled Score / /
Progress +1.2 +0.03


Mathematics: Broadoak National
Working at Expected Standard 98% 79%
High Score Achieved 72% 27%
Average Scaled Score 111 105
Progress +4.3 +0.03


Reading, Writing and Mathematics: Broadoak National
Working at Expected Standard 95% 65%
High Score Achieved 26% 11%
Average Scaled Score / /
Progress / /