Broadoak Primary School



“I am not afraid of storms, for I am learning to sail my ship”   (Louisa May Alcott - Little Women)

"The things that make me different are the things that make me me"   (Winnie the Pooh)

"Somewhere inside all of us is the power to change the world"   (Roald Dahl)


Vision Statement


As part of our whole school vision, we work hard to ensure that every pupil develops as a happy and successful child. There is a growing body of research that shows that pupils who are emotionally healthy do better at school and through our PSHE curriculum at Broadoak we aim to help our pupils to achieve their potential by supporting their well-being and tackling issues that can affect their ability to learn, such as anxiety and unhealthy relationships.

Our PSHE curriculum also helps pupils to develop skills and aptitudes - like teamwork, communication, and resilience - that are crucial to navigating the challenges and opportunities of the modern world, and are increasingly valued by employers. We have a responsibility to our pupils to ensure that they are taught the fundamental building blocks and characteristics of positive relationships and grow their ability to form strong and positive relationships with others. At Broadoak, we recognise that although we are all different, we all belong. We teach children to respect and value the diverse community they are a part of, with a commitment to community cohesion through understanding and acceptance of difference; we also promote an active dialogue to counter fear and hate in society. Through both explicit teaching, and as part of our whole school ethos, we encourage the development and practice of resilience and other attributes, this includes character traits such as helping pupils to believe they can achieve, persevere with tasks, work towards long-term rewards and continue despite setbacks. During key stages 1 and 2, PSHE education offers both explicit and implicit learning opportunities and experiences which reflect pupils’ increasing independence and physical and social awareness. It builds on the skills that pupils started to acquire during EYFS to develop effective relationships, assume greater personal responsibility and manage personal safety, including online. 

Our PSHE curriculum helps pupils to manage the physical and emotional changes at puberty, introduces them to a wider world and enables them to make an active contribution to their communities. Alongside understanding the importance of self-respect and self-worth, pupils should develop personal attributes including honesty, integrity, courage, humility, kindness, generosity, trustworthiness and a sense of justice.

We base our curriculum on three key strands: Health and Wellbeing; Relationships and Living in the Wider World.

Our children learn about drug education, financial education, relationship education and Sex Education (RSE) and the importance of physical activity and diet for a healthy lifestyle as part of PSHE, Physical Health and Mental Health Education.

As part of our PSHE curriculum, we deliver lessons based around the No Outsiders programme which provides children with an Inclusive education, promoting community cohesion to prepare young people and adults for life as global citizens.

Aims and Objectives

At all key stages PSHE teaching aims to ensure that all pupils:

  • Know and understand what constitutes a healthy lifestyle.
  • Have the knowledge, skills and attitudes to make informed choices.
  • Be aware of safety issues.
  • Have respect for others.
  • Be independent and responsible members of the community.
  • Be positive and active members of a democratic society.
  • Develop self-confidence and self-esteem.
  • Develop good relationships with other members of the school and the wider community and understand what constitutes a good relationship.

In order to achieve our aims, we provide:


  • High quality teaching and learning which enables all children to succeed and achieve
  • An interesting learning environment in which children feel safe and secure
  • Opportunities for children to be actively involved and engaged in their own learning, through creative approaches to learning with strong curriculum links to other subjects when appropriate
  • Opportunities to promote independence
  • Evaluations of children’s progress towards the Early Learning Goals and statutory guidelines which inform planning at all stages
  • Effective monitoring of teaching and learning.

Broadoak Primary School


Intent Implementation Impact
What will take place before teaching in the classroom? What will this look like in the classroom? How will this be measured
The school’s senior leadership team will: Our teaching sequence will be: Pupil Voice will show:


  • Ensure that the curriculum leader has appropriate time to develop their specific curriculum intent through careful research and development
  • Provide sufficient funding to ensure that implementation is high quality
  • Lead the school staff to develop a clear overarching curriculum intent which drives the ongoing development and improvement of all curriculum subjects.



    • The Big Picture’ – setting the PSHE learning that is about to take place within the chronology of pupils PSHE learning to date. Starting with what the children know, understand, are able to do and able to say as a baseline assessment.
    • Review most recent learning in PSHE.
    • Specify key vocabulary to be used and its meaning
    • Provide relevant and realistic information, which reinforces positive social norms.
    • Provide opportunities for the children to work interactively with the teacher acting as the facilitator.
    • Provide opportunities for children to make real decisions about their lives, to take part in activities, which simulate adult choices and where they can demonstrate their ability to take responsibility for their decisions.
    • Individual reflection on the learning that has taken place


    • A developed understanding of what it is to be a morally conscious citizen at an age appropriate level
    • A secure understanding of the key techniques and methods for each key area of the curriculum.
    • A progression of understanding, with appropriate vocabulary which supports and extends understanding
    • Confidence in discussing PSHE, their own work and identifying their own strengths and areas for development
    The Curriculum Leader will: Our classrooms will: Displays around school / books will show:


    • Understand and articulate the expectations of the curriculum to support teaching and support staff in the delivery.
    • Ensure an appropriate progression of knowledge is in place which supports pupils in knowing more and remembering more as citizens.
    • Ensure an appropriate progression of PSHE skills and knowledge is in place over time so that pupils are supported to be the best citizens they can be, and challenge teachers to support struggling learners and extend more competent ones.
    • Ensure an appropriate progression for vocabulary is in place for each phase of learning, which builds on prior learning.
    • Identify inspirational people who underpin specific areas of the curriculum and raise aspirations for pupils.
    • Keep up to date with current PSHE research and subject development through an appropriate subject body or professional group.
    • Provide clear learning journeys for each unit, highlighting learning objectives, vocabulary and skills to be covered in each unit. As well as opportunities for assessment and to evidence the new statutory guidance.



    • Provide appropriate quality equipment for each area of the curriculum.
    • Have developed learning walls which include high quality WAGOLLs, including actual pieces of work and known citizens, and carefully chosen vocabulary, which are regularly updated.
    • Be organised so that pupils can work in small groups or whole class as appropriate to support pupils in their development of their skills.
    • Deploy appropriately challenging selections of texts, both non-fiction and fiction, accessible throughout learning to develop wider understanding and underpin reading skills.


    • Pupils have had opportunities for practice and refinement of skills.
    • A varied and engaging curriculum which develops a range of Personal, social and health skills.
    • Developed and final pieces of work which showcase the skills learned.
    • Clear progression of skills in line with expectations set out in the progression grids.
    • That pupils, over time, develop a range of skills and techniques across all of the areas of the PSHE curriculum.
    The class teacher will, with support from the curriculum leader: Our children will / will be: The curriculum leader will:


    • Create lesson plan which ensures appropriate coverage of knowledge, skills and vocabulary from the learning journey.
    • Personally pursue support for any particular subject knowledge and skills gaps prior to teaching.
    • Ensure that resources are appropriate, of high enough quality and are plentiful so that all pupils have the correct tools and materials.


    • Engaged because they are challenged by the curriculum which they are provided with.
    • Resilient learners who overcome barriers and understand their own strengths and areas for development.
    • Able to critique their own work as a citizen because they know how to be successful.
    • Safe and happy in PSHE lessons which give them opportunities to explore their own social development.
    • Encouraged and nurtured to overcome any barriers to their learning or self-confidence because feedback is positive and focuses on PSHE skills and knowledge
    • Develop Personal, social, health and economic skills and confidence over time because of careful planning, focused delivery and time to practice and hone skills.


    • Celebrate the successes of pupils through planned displays.
    • Collate appropriate evidence over time which evidences that pupils know more and remember more.
    • Monitor the standards in the subject to ensure the outcomes are at expected levels.
    • Provide ongoing CPD support based on the outcomes of subject monitoring to ensure that the impact of the curriculum is wide reaching and positive.


    Children will leave us with a Backpack of knowledge, skills and understanding as detailed below:


    In their Broadoak Backpack for Life,

    an accomplished PSHE student will know…x

    • What is meant by a healthy lifestyle
    • How to maintain physical, mental and emotional health and wellbeing
    • How to manage risks to physical and emotional health and wellbeing
    • Ways of keeping physically and emotionally safe
    • How to manage change, including puberty, transition and loss
    • How to make informed choices about health and wellbeing, and where to get help with this
    • How to respond in an emergency
    • To identify different influences on health and wellbeing
    • How to develop and maintain a variety of relationships, within a range of social and cultural contexts
    • How to recognise and manage emotions within relationships
    • How to respond to risky or negative relationships, including bullying and abuse
    • How to respond to risky or negative relationships and ask for help
    • How to respect equality and diversity in relationships
    • About respect for themselves and others, and the importance of responsible actions and behaviour
    • About rights and responsibilities as members of families, other groups and citizens
    • About different groups and communities
    • To respect equality and diversity, and how to be a productive member of a diverse community
    • About the importance of respecting and protecting the environment
    • About where money comes from, keeping it safe, and the importance of managing it effectively
    • The part that money plays in people’s lives
    • A basic understanding of enterprise

    PSHE in Early Years

    In Early Years, our PSHE curriculum aligns with the Statutory Framework for the Early Years. This is evidenced through the children meeting the Early Learning Goals for Personal, Social and Emotional Development. This can be broken down into learning about self-regulation; managing self and building relationships. Aspects of the PSHE curriculum are also taught through Understanding the World where children are encouraged to Talk about the lives of the people around them and their roles in society as well as know some similarities and differences between different religious and cultural communities in this country.

    PSHE in Key Stage One

    In Key Stage One, our PSHE curriculum is structured around an overarching question for each half term. These begin as 'What?' and 'Who?' questions during Key Stage One. Three core themes run through the curriculum: Health and Wellbeing; Relationships and Living in the Wider World. Our teaching builds according to the age and needs of the pupils throughout the school with developmentally appropriate learning objectives given to enable children to respond to each question. 

    PSHE in Key Stage Two

    In Key Stage Tw, our PSHE curriculum is structured around an overarching question for each half term. These build on the questions from Key Stage One and extend the children's thinking by asking 'How?' and 'Why?' questions. Three core themes run through the curriculum: Health and Wellbeing; Relationships and Living in the Wider World. Our teaching builds according to the age and needs of the pupils throughout the school with developmentally appropriate learning objectives given to enable children to respond to each question. 

    Whole School Curriculum Overview


    Whole School


    Curriculum Overview

    Autumn Spring Summer
    Subject Focus What is the same and different about us? Who is special to us? Who helps to keep us safe?

    Year 1

    (First Half Term)

    Core theme: Relationships Core theme: Relationships Core theme: Health and Wellbeing
    • I know what makes me special and what is unique to me.
    • I know how I am similar and different to others, and what we have in common
    • I know that family is one of the groups that I belong to and what my family members do to make me feel loved and cared for.
    • I know that families are all different but share some common features and can explain some of the different features of family life.
    • I know that it is important to tell someone if something about my family makes me feel unhappy or worried.
    • I know that people have different roles in the community to help me and keep me sage – the jobs that they do and how they help people.
    • I know who can help me in different places and situations; how to attract someone’s attention or ask for help; what to say (including how to get help if there is an accident and someone is hurt and dialling 999 in an emergency)
    • I know how to respond safely to adults I don’t know and what to do if I feel unsafe or worried for myself or others.
    Subject Focus How can we look after each other and the world? What can we do with money? What helps us stay healthy?

    Year 1

    (Second Half Term)

    Core theme: Living in the wider world Core theme: Living in the wider world Core theme: Health and Wellbeing
    • I know that I have responsibilities in and out of the classroom.
    • I know how my behaviour can affect others and know how to be polite and courteous and how to play and work co-operatively
    • I know how to care for people and animals, including how people care for the local and global environment.
    • I know what money is, how it is obtained and how to keep it safe.
    • I know how people make choices about what to do with money, including spending and saving
    • I know the difference between needs and wants and that people may not always be able to have the things that they want.
    • I know what being healthy means and who helps me to stay healthy. I know how medicines can help people to stay healthy.
    • I know that things people put into or onto our bodies can affect how they feel
    • I know why hygiene is important and how hygiene routines can stop germs being passed on
    • I know what I can do on a daily basis to take care of myself. 
    Subject Focus What is bullying? What makes a good friend? How do we recognise our feelings?

    Year 2

    (First Half Term)

    Core theme: Relationships  Core theme: Relationships  Core theme: Health and Wellbeing
    • I know how words and actions can affect how people feel and why name-calling, hurtful teasing, bullying and deliberately excluding others is unacceptable.
    • I know how to report this to a trusted adult.
    • I know how to ask for and give/not give permission regarding physical contact and how to respond if it makes me feel uncomfortable or unsafe.
    • I know how to make friends with others, how people behave when they are being friendly and what makes a good friend.
    • I know how to recognise when I am feeling lonely and what I can do about it.
    • I know how to resolve arguments that occur in friendships and how to ask for help if a friendship is making me unhappy.
    • I know that humans produce babies, which grow into children and then into adults
    • I know how I have changed and developed since they were babies
    • I know why it is important to keep clean
    •  I can consider personal space, touch and my body
    • I know how to recognise, name and describe a range of feelings and how different things/times/ experiences can bring about different feelings for different people.
    • I know ways to manage big feelings and the importance of sharing my feelings with someone I trust. I know what makes me feel good or better.
    • I know how feelings can affect my body and my behaviour and how to recognise when I might need help with my feelings. I know how to ask for help if I need it.
    Subject Focus What helps is to stay safe? What jobs do people do? What helps us grow and stay healthy?

    Year 2

    (Second Half Term)

    Core theme: Health and Wellbeing Core theme: Living in the wider world Core theme: Health and Wellbeing

    • I know how rules and restrictions help me to stay sage and how to identify risky and potentially unsafe situations (including online) and take steps to avoid or remove myself from them.
    • I know how to resist pressure to do something that makes me feel unsafe or uncomfortable including keeping secrets
    • I know that not everything I see online is true or trustworthy and that people can pretend to be someone they are not
    • I know how to tell a trusted adult if I am worried for myself or others.
    • I know that people have different strengths and interests that enable them to do different jobs and how people use the internet and digital devices in their jobs and everyday life
    • I know about a range of different jobs, including those done by people I know or people who work in my community.
    • I know that jobs help people earn money to pay for things they want and need.
    • I know that different things help my body to be healthy
    • I know how to be physically active and how much rest and sleep I should have every day and that eating and drinking too much sugar can affect my health.
    •  I know that there are different ways to learn and play and how to know when to take a break from screen time.
    • I know how sunshine helps my body to grow and how to keep safe and well in the sun.
    Subject Focus

    What are families like?

    What keeps us safe? How can we be a good friend?

    Year 3

    (First Half Term)

    Core theme: Relationships  Core theme: Health and Wellbeing Core theme: Relationships 
    • I know how families differ from each other and how common features of family life often include shared experiences
    • I know how people within families care for each other and the different ways they demonstrate this
    • I know how to ask for help or advice if family relationships are making me feel unhappy, worried or unsafe.
    • I know how to recognise hazards that may cause harm or injury and what I should do to reduce the risk and keep myself (or others) safe and how to help to keep my body protected and safe
    • I know that my body belongs to me and should not be hurt or touched without my permission
    •  I know how to recognise and respond to pressure to do something that makes me feel unsafe or uncomfortable
    • I know how everyday health and hygiene rules help people to stay safe and healthy.
    • I know how to react and respond if there is an accident and how to deal with minor injuries
    • I know how friendships support my wellbeing and that importance of seeking support if I am feeling lonely or excluded. I can recognise if others are feeling this way and have strategies to include them.
    • I know how to build good friendships including identifying qualities that contribute to friendships
    • I know that friendships sometimes have difficulties and can manage when there is a problem or an argument between friends; how to reconcile differences
    • I can recognise when a friendship is making me unhappy/uncomfortable or unsafe and how to ask for support.
    Subject Focus Why should we eat well and look after our teeth?

    What makes a community?

    Why should we keep active and sleep well?

    Year 3 

    (Second Half Term)

    Core theme: Health and Wellbeing Core theme: Living in the wider world Core theme: Health and Wellbeing
    • I know how to eat a healthy diet and the benefits of nutritionally rich foods. I know how not eating a balanced diet can affect my health
    • I know how to maintain good oral hygiene and the importance of regular visits to the dentist. I know the impact of too much sugar/acidic drinks on my dental health
    • I know how people make choices about what to eat or drink, including who and what influences these
    • I know how, when and where to ask for advice and help about healthy eating and dental care. 
    • I know how I belong to different groups and communities and how the community helps everyone to feel included
    • I know what is meant by a diverse community and how different groups make up the wider/local community around the school
    • I know how to be respectful towards people who may live differently to me
    • I know how regular physical activities benefit my body and feelings and how to be active on a daily and weekly basis, balancing time online with other activities
    • I know how to make choices about physical activity including what and who influences these decisions. I know that lack of physical activity can affect my health and wellbeing.
    • I know how lack of sleep can affect my body and mood and simple routines that can support good quality sleep
    • I know how to seek support in relation to physical activity, sleep and rest.
    Subject Focus How do we treat each other with respect? How will we grow and change? How can we manage risk in different places?

    Year 4

    (First Half Term)

    Core theme: Relationships  Core theme: Health and Wellbeing Core theme: Health and Wellbeing
    • I know how people’s behaviour affects myself and others. I know how to be polite and courteous in different situations.
    • I know about the right to privacy and how to recognise when a confidence or secret should be kept.
    • I know the rights that children have and why it is important to protect these
    • I know that everyone should feel included, respected and not discriminated against and how to respond if I witness or experience this.
    • I know about puberty and how my body will change (including menstruation, menstrual wellbeing, erections and wet dreams)
    • I know how puberty can affect my emotions and feelings
    • I know how personal hygiene routines can change during puberty
    • I know how to ask for advice and support about growing and changing and puberty.
    • I know how to recognise, predict, assess and manage risk in different situations and how to keep safe both in my local environment and less familiar locations
    • I know how people can be influenced by their peers’ behaviour and how to manage this influence.
    • I know how people’s actions online can impact on other people and how to stay safe online
    • I know how to report concerns and that rules, restrictions and laws exist to keep people safe.
    Subject Focus How can our choices make a difference to others and the environment?   What strengths, skills and interests do we have? How can we manage our feelings?

    Year 4

    (Second Half Term)

    Core theme: Living in the wider world Core theme: Health and Wellbeing Core theme: Health and Wellbeing
    • I know that people have a shared responsibility to help to protect the world around them and that everyday choices can affect the environment (such as what people  choose to buy or spend their money on)
    • I know the skills and vocabulary to share my thoughts, ideas and opinions in discussion about topical issues
    • I know how to show care and concern for others (people and animals) and how to carry out personal responsibilities in a caring and compassionate way
    • I know how to recognise personal qualities and individuality and to develop my self-worth by identifying positive things about myself and my achievements
    • I know how my personal attributes, strengths, skills and interests contribute to my self-esteem and how to set goals for myself
    • I know how to manage when there are setbacks, learn from my mistakes and reframe unhelpful thinking.
    • I know how everyday things can affect my feelings and that feelings can change over time and can be experienced at different levels of intensity.
    • I know the importance of expressing my feelings and how to respond proportionally to, and manage, feelings in different circumstances
    • I know ways of managing feelings at times of loss, grief and change and how to access advice and support to help manage my own and others’ feelings.
    Subject Focus What makes up a person’s identity? How can friends communicate safely? How can drugs common to everyday life affect health?

    Year 5

    (First Half Term)

    Core theme: Health and Wellbeing Core theme: Relationships  Core theme: Health and Wellbeing
    • I know how to recognise and respect similarities and differences between people and what they have in common with others.
    • I know that there are a range of factors that contribute to a person’s identity and how individual and personal qualities make up someone’s identity
    • I know about stereotypes and how they are not always accurate, and can negatively influence behaviours and attitudes towards others
    • I know how to challenge stereotypes and assumptions about others
    • I know about the different type of relationships people have in their lives.
    • I know that knowing someone online differs from knowing someone face to face and about the type of content that it is safe to share online.
    • I know how friends and family communicate together and how social media can be used positively
    • I know how to recognise risk in relation to friendships and keeping safe and how to respond in a friendship is making me feel worried, unsafe or uncomfortable
    • I know how drugs common to everyday life can affect health and wellbeing
    • I know that some drugs are legal and others are illegal and how laws surrounding the use of drugs exist to protect them and others
    • I know why people choose to use or not to use different drugs and that for some people, drug use can become a habit that is difficult to break
    • I know how organisations help people to stop smoking and the support available to help people
    Subject Focus How can we help in an accident or emergency? What jobs would we like? What decisions can people make with money?

    Year 5

    (Second Half Term)

    Core theme: Health and Wellbeing Core theme: Living in the wider world Core theme: Living in the wider world
    • I know when it is appropriate to use first aid and the importance of seeking adult help. I know how to carry out basic first aid including for burns, scalds, cuts, bleeds, choking, asthma attacks and allergic reactions
    • I know that if someone has a head injury they should not be moved
    • I know the importance of remaining calm in an emergency and providing clear information about what has happened to an adult or the emergency services
    • I know how people choose a career/job and what influences their decision, including skills, interests and pay. I know how I might choose a career/job for myself when I am older
    • I know that there are a broad range of jobs and people often have more than one in their lifetime. I know that some jobs are paid more than others and that some may be voluntary
    • I know about the skills, attributes, qualifications and training needed for different jobs and that there are different ways into jobs and careers.
    • I know how people make decisions about spending money and saving money and what influences them
    • I know how to keep track of money so people know how much they have to spend or save
    • I know how people make choices about ways of paying for things they want and need and how to recognise what makes something ‘value for money’
    • I know that there are risks associated with money and how money can affect people’s feelings and emotions
    Subject Focus How will our friendships change as we grow? What will change as we become more independent?  How can we keep healthy as we grow?

    Year 6

    (First Half Term)

    Core theme: Relationships  Core theme: Relationships  Core theme: Health and Wellbeing
    • I know that people have different kinds of relationships in their lives, including romantic or intimate relationships and that adults can choose to be part of a committed relationship or not, including marriage or civil partnership
    • I know that people who are attracted to and love each other can be of any gender, ethnicity or faith; the way couples care one another
    • I know that marriage should be wanted equally by both people and that forcing someone to marry against their will is a crime
    • I know how friendships may change as I grow and how I can manage this
    • I know how puberty relates to growing from childhood to adulthood
    • I know about the reproductive organs and process – how babies are conceived and born and how they need to be cared for
    • I know that there are ways to prevent a baby being made
    • I know how growing up and becoming independent comes with increased opportunities and responsibilities
    • I know how to manage change, including moving to high school; how to ask for support or where to seek further information and advice regarding growing up and changing
    • I know how mental and physical health are linked
    • I know how positive friendships and being involved in activities such as clubs and community groups support wellbeing
    • I know how to make choices that support a healthy, balanced lifestyle including: (how to plan a healthy meal
    • I know how to stay physically active; how to maintain good dental health, including oral hygiene, food and drink choices; how to benefit from and stay safe in the sun
    • I know how and why to balance time spent online with other activities; how sleep contributes to a healthy lifestyle; the effects of poor sleep and strategies for getting good sleep)
    • I know how to manage the influence of friends and family on health choices
    • I know that habits can be healthy or unhealthy; strategies to help change or break an unhealthy habit or take up a new healthy one
    • I know how legal and illegal drugs (legal and illegal) can affect health and how to manage situations involving them
    • I know how to recognise early signs of physical or mental ill-health and what to do about this, including whom to speak to in and outside school
    • I know that health problems, including mental health problems, can build up if they are not recognised, managed, or if help is not sought early on
    • I know that anyone can experience mental ill-health and to discuss concerns with a trusted adult
    • I know that mental health difficulties can usually be resolved or managed with the right strategies and support
    Subject Focus How can the media influence people? (1)  How can the media influence people? (2)  How can we keep healthy as we grow (continued from Summer 1)

    Year 6

    (Second Half Term)

    Core theme: Living in the wider world Core theme: Living in the wider world See Above

    • I know how the media, including online experiences, can affect people’s wellbeing – their thoughts, feelings and actions
    • I know how text and images can be manipulated or invented and have strategies to recognise this. I know that mixed messages in the media exist and that these can influence opinions and decisions
    • I know how to evaluate how reliable different types of online content and media are
    • I know how information is ranked, selected and targeted to meet the interests of individuals and groups and can be used to influence them
    • I know that not everything should be shared online or social media and that there are rules about this
    • I know how to make decisions about the content I view online or in the media and know if it is appropriate for my age. I know how to respond to and report information online which is upsetting, frightening or untrue
    •  I recognise the risks involved in gambling related activities, what might influence somebody to gamble and the impact it might have
    • I can discuss and debate what influences people’s decisions, taking into consideration different viewpoints


    Useful Websites

    PSHE education: a guide for parents | – a useful guide that answers common questions parents might have about PSHE education.

    Children’s mental health – Every Mind Matters – NHS ( – Provides NHS-endorsed tips to help parents and carers spot the signs that children may be struggling with their mental health and how to support them; and provides advice that can help maintain good mental wellbeing

    Healthier Families – Home – NHS ( – supporting families to stay healthy through diet and exercise.

    NSPCC | The UK children’s charity | NSPCC

    KS1 PSHE and Citizenship – England – BBC Bitesize – BBC Education resources for PSHE in KS1

    KS2 PSHE and Citizenship – BBC Bitesize – BBC Education resources for PSHE in KS2

    Bullying advice | Bullying UK – advice for parents on bullying.

    Advice for parents and carers ( – advice for parents on bullying.

    Thinkuknow – home – resources for children and parents on e-safety.